Undergraduate Student Government
at The Ohio State University

USG Demographics Report

Thank you for taking the time to read the Undergraduate Student Government Demographic Reports from 2015-2016 to present. These documents serve to provide transparency and a deeper portal of understanding for the undergraduate student body. We believe students have the right to know how they are being represented and by whom. The following data will provide you with an understanding of the various identities that make up USG. The demographic categories measured were compiled in collaboration with the Center for the Study of Student Life. Please visit the rest of our website to see the initiatives USG has worked on this year as well as contact information for your representatives. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions, concerns or feedback for how USG can better serve you.

Demographics Report 2019-2020

Demographics Report 2018-2019

Demographics Report 2017-2018

Demographics Report 2016-2017

Demographics Report 2015-2016