Undergraduate Student Government
at The Ohio State University

Previous Constituency Reports

56th General Assembly Constituency Reports

Academic Constituencies

College of Arts and Sciences – Arts and Humanities – 2 seats

(resigned) Chay Rossing.1 (he/him)

     Committee Assignments: Justice and Equity

     Autumn 2023

(resigned) Caitlyn Moloney.52 (she/her)

     Committee Assignments: Student Affairs

     Autumn 2023


College of Arts and Sciences – Natural and Mathematical Sciences – 3 seats

Dahlia Moskowitz.104 (she/her)

     Committee Assignments: Oversight; Health and Safety (Chair); Steering

     Autumn 2023

     Spring 2024

Deondray Radford.47 (he/him)

     Committee Assignments: Allocations; Black Caucus; Justice and Equity

     Autumn 2023

     Spring 2024

Daniel Tcheurekdjian.1 (he/him)

     Committee Assignments: Governmental Relations

     Autumn 2023

Spring 2024

College of Arts and Sciences – Social and Behavioral Sciences – 4 seats

Rayvon Braziel.5 (he/him)

     Committee Assignments: Black Caucus (Chair); Steering; Allocations; Oversight

     Autumn 2023

     Spring 2024

Nevaeh Hawthorne.106 (she/her)

     Committee Assignments: Oversight; Academic Affairs; Student Affairs; Governmental Relations; Black Caucus

     Spring 2024

Keyanah Peters.1013 (she/her)

     Committee Assignments: Oversight (Chair); Steering; Governmental Relations; Sustainability

Hannah Leedy.62 (she/her)

     Committee Assignments: Health and Safety

Spring 2024


College of Business – 3 seats

(resigned) Aryav Yadapadithaya.1 (he/him)

     Committee Assignments: Justice and Equity (Chair); Steering; Oversight; Allocations; Student Affairs

     Autumn 2023

Hanniel Diaz Elizarraga.1 (he/him)

     Committee Assignments: Student Affairs; Academic Affairs

     Autumn 2023

     Spring 2024

Madelyn Davis.6755 (she/her)

     Committee Assignments: Health and Safety

Spring 2024


College of Dentistry – 1 seat

- Vacant -

College of Education and Human Ecology – 2 seats

Kira Deerman.2 (she/her)

     Committee Assignments: Student Affairs

     Spring 2024

Kwanisha Broomfield.28 (she/her)

     Committee Assignment: Black Caucus

      Spring 2024


College of Engineering – 4 seats 

(resigned) Kiara Dixon.927 (she/her)

     Committee Assignments: Allocations; Black Caucus; Sustainability

     Autumn 2023

Ortez Littlejohn.80 (he/him)

     Committee Assignments: Student Affairs

     Autumn 2023

     Spring 2024

Sunny Saini.102 (he/him)

     Committee Assignments: Academic Affairs

     Spring 2024

- Vacant -


College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences – 1 seat 

- Vacant -


College of Medicine Sciences – 1 seat

Hayden Price.1695 (he/him)

     Committee Assignments: Academic Affairs

     Autumn 2023

     Spring 2024

College of Nursing – 1 seat

Katie Strayer.133 (she/her)

     Committee Assignments: Health and Safety


College of Pharmacy – 1 seat

Julia LaFrankie.5 (she/her)

     Committee Assignments: Health and Safety

     Spring 2024


College of Public Affairs – 1 seat

Kalyn Mullens.26 (she/her)

     Committee Assignments: Black Caucus; Justice and Equity

     Autumn 2023

     Spring 2024


College of Public Health – 1 seat

- Vacant -


College of Social Work – 1 seat

Isaiah Baughman.323 (he/him)

     Committee Assignments: Sustainability (Chair); Steering

     Autumn 2023

     Spring 2024


Exploration – 1 seat 

- Vacant -

Living Area Constituencies

Commuter Living Area – 2 seats

- Vacant -

- Vacant -

Off-Campus Living Area – 5 seats

Lily Evans.2758 (she/her)

     Committee Assignments: Governmental Relations (Chair); Steering; Sustainability

     Autumn 2023

     Spring 2024

Sami Ginsberg.44 (she/her)

     Committee Assignments: Allocations; Justice and Equity

     Autumn 2023

     Spring 2024

Spencer Colish-Patrick.1 (she/her)

     Committee Assignments: Academic Affairs

Spring 2024


Aniket Vaishampayan.4 (he/him)

     Committee Assignments: Academic Affairs; Student Affairs

     Spring 2024

- Vacant -


On-Campus Living Area - 7 seats

Mykenna Roy.457 (she/her)

     Committee Assignments: Steering

     Autumn 2023

Spring 2024

Sarah Schmidt.1318 (she/her)

     Committee Assignments: Steering

Josh Hickman.367 (he/him)

     Committee Assignments: Student Affairs (Chair)

     Autumn 2023

     Spring 2024

(resigned) Krityug (Singh) Nischal.5 (he/him)

     Committee Assignments: Governmental Relations

     Autumn 2023

Declan Alford.117 (he/him)

     Committee Assignments: Justice and Equity

     Autumn 2023

     Spring 2024

George Bernard.306 (he/him)

     Committee Assignments: Governmental Relations

     Autumn 2023

     Spring 2024

Shyla Mudundi.1 (she/her)

     Committee Assignments: Health and Safety

     Autumn 2023

     Spring 2024

Regional Campus Living Area – 1 seat

(resigned) Austin Bungard.23 (he/him)

     Committee Assignments: Health and Safety; Justice and Equity

     Autumn 2023

Emissary Seats

Native/Indigenous Emissary – 1 seat

(resigned) Briana Walkup.19

     Committee Assignments: Justice and Equity

     Spring 2024

Black/African/African American Emissary – 1 seat

Mekateko Mathebula.1 (she/her)

     Committee Assignments: Black Caucus

     Autumn 2023

     Spring 2024

Disability Emissary – 1 seat

Echo Joyce.269 (they/he)

     Committee Assignments: Academic Affairs; Justice and Equity

     Spring 2024

54th General Assembly Constituency Reports

* Names with no hyperlink are indicative of senators who never submitted constituency reports.

2021-2022 Constituency Reports

Arts and Humanites
  • Jules Christensen
  • Isaac Guy (Fall) (Winter) (Spring: N/A)
Education and Human Ecology
  • Dennis Giller (Fall: N/A) (Winter: N/A) (Spring)
  • Rama Naboulsi (Fall) (Winter) (Spring)
  • Chika Nkwocha
  • Jake Toohey (Fall: N/A) (Winter: N/A) (Spring)
  • Vacant
Food, Agricultual & Environmental Sciences
Medicine Sciences
  • Vacant
Natural and Mathematical Sciences
  • Erica Thein
  • Nick Ambrose (Fall: N/A) (Winter: N/A) (Spring)
Public Affairs
Public Health
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Social Work
Commuter Living Area
Off-Campus Living Area
On-Campus Living Area
Regional Campus Living Area
  • Baffoa Baffoe-Essilfie
Transgender Emissary
  • Tobi Petty

53rd General Assembly Constituency Reports

Academic Constituencies

College of Arts and Sciences – Arts and Humanities – 2 seats

Sage Klein (he/him) Klein.690@osu.edu Klein 1


College of Arts and Sciences – Natural and Mathematical Sciences – 3 seats

Delaney Durham (she/her) Durham.159@osu.edu Durham 1

Daniel Levine (he/him) Levine.1789@osu.edu Levine 1

Olivia Schaffer (she/her) Schaffer.182@osu.edu Schaffer 1


College of Arts and Sciences – Social and Behavioral Sciences – 4 seats

Gregory Carson (he/him) Carson.361@osu.edu Carson 1

Daykota Hayes (she/her) Hayes.1083@osu.edu Hayes 1

Kelsey Lowman (she/her) Lowman.28@osu.edu (Not Yet Available)

Amani Samuels (she/her) Samuels.114@osu.edu (Not Yet Available)


College of Business – 3 seats

Reed Flynt (he/him) Flynt.5@osu.edu (Not Yet Available)

Hattie Fu (she/her) Fu.869@osu.edu (Not Yet Available)

Nathan Rush (he/him) Rush.294@osu.edu Rush 1


College of Dentistry – 1 seat

Keith Watson (he/him) Watson.1021@osu.edu (Not Yet Available)


College of Education and Human Ecology – 2 seats


College of Engineering – 4 seat

Sai Nune (she/her) Nune.1@osu.edu Nune 1

Rebekah Spence (she/her) Spence.222@osu.edu Spence 1

Noah Stonehill (he/him) Stonehill.11@osu.edu Stonehill 1


College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences – 1 seat

Kira Jones (she/her) Jones.6568@osu.edu Jones 1


College of Medicine Sciences – 1 seat

Abigail Berk (she/her) berk.70@osu.edu Berk 1


College of Nursing – 1 seat

Yang Du (she/her) Du.601@osu.edu (Not Yet Available)


College of Pharmacy – 1 seat


College of Public Affairs – 1 seat

Lauren Sutherland (she/her) Sutherland.174@osu.edu Sutherland 1


College of Public Health – 1 seat

Hebah Guade (she/her) Guade.1@osu.edu (Not Yet Available)


College of Social Work – 1 seat

Lulu Montes (she/her) Montes.42@osu.edu (Not Yet Available)


Exploration – 1 seat

Anna Valerius (she/her) Valerius.9@osu.edu (Not Yet Available)


Living Area Constituencies

Commuter Living Area – 2 seats

Bahja Ali (she/her) Ali.589@osu.edu (Not Yet Available)

Adrienne Ferguson (she/her) Ferguson.945@osu.edu (Not Yet Available)


Off-Campus Living Area – 5 seats

Mustafa Abubakr (he/him) Abubakr.2@osu.edu Abubakr 1

Andrew Buehrer (he/him) Buehrer.27@osu.edu (Not Yet Available)

Roman Lee (he/him) Lee.8208@osu.edu (Not Yet Available)

Brandon Morris (he/him) Morris.1630@osu.edu Morris 1

Halle Nahoum (she/her) Nahoum.1@osu.edu Nahoum 1


On-Campus Living Area - 7 seats

Arnaud Dahourou (he/him) Dahourou.1@osu.edu Dahourou 1

Teresa Lebowitz (she/her) Lebowitz.28@osu.edu Lebowitz 1

Grace Maynard (she/her) Maynard.294@osu.edu (Not Yet Available)

Gabriel Myers (he/him) Myers.2039@osu.edu Myers 1

Andrew Pierce (he/him) Pierce.668@osu.edu Pierce 1

Roya Shahinfar (she/her) Shahinfar.4@osu.edu Shahinfar 1

Anshul Singh (he/him) Singh.1346@osu.edu Singh 1


Regional Campus Living Area – 1 seat


52nd General Assembly Constituency Reports

College of Arts and Sciences – Arts and Humanities – 2 seats

Emily Needham (she/her/hers) 

Emma Nidy (she/her/hers) 


College of Arts and Sciences – Natural and Mathematical Sciences – 3 seats

David Mack (1) (2) (3)

Dennis Pales (he/him/his) (1) (2) (3)

Troy Tofil (he/him/his) (1) (2) 


College of Arts and Sciences – Social and Behavioral Sciences – 4 seats

Brandon Bishop (he/him/his) (1) (2) (3)

Claire Krafka (she/her/hers) (1) (2) (3)

Elizabeth Painter (she/her/hers)

Sana Soufi (she/her/hers) 


College of Business – 3 seats

Nathan Rush (he/him/his) (1) (2)

Cade Santha (he/him/his) 

Ruyi Wang (she/her/hers) 


College of Dentistry – 1 seat

Hameed Jamal (he/him/his)


College of Education and Human Ecology – 2 seats

Joshua Pugh (he/him/his) (1) (2)

Alea Doronsky (she/her/hers) 


College of Engineering – 4 seats

Josh Goetz (he/him/his) (1) (2) (3)

Alek Kundla (1) (2) (3)

Jannan Sivaruban (he/him/his) 

Ben Harris


College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences – 1 seat

- Vacant -


College of Medicine Sciences – 1 seat

Abigail Berk (she/her/hers) 


College of Nursing – 1 seat

Aaron McKee (he/him/his) 


College of Pharmacy – 1 seat

Durya Nadeem (she/her/hers)


College of Public Affairs – 1 seat

Sophie Ruttenberg (she/her/hers) (1) (2)


College of Public Health – 1 seat

Uma Mylavarapu (she/her/hers)


College of Social Work – 1 seat

Nuurah Parsons (she/her/hers) 


Exploration – 1 seat

Maddie Carson (she/her/hers) (1) (2) (3)


Living Area Constituencies


Commuter Living Area – 2 seats

Faduma Hasan (she/her/hers) 

Sara Mohamednour (she/her/hers)


Off-Campus Living Area – 5 seats

Elyssa Bellofatto (she/her/hers) 


Michael Kohler (he/him/his)

Isabel Palmer (she/her/hers) 

Lexi Kisor (she/her/hers) 


On-Campus Living Area - 7 seats

Ose Arheghan (they/them/theirs) 

Caleb Hineman (he/him/his)

Andrew Klemm (he/him/his) 

Amanya Paige (she/her/hers)

Andrew Pierce (he/him/his)

Elyse Schemenauer (she/her/hers) (1) (2)

Seth Williamson (he/him/his)


Regional Campus Living Area – 1 seat

Roman Lee (he/him/his)


51st General Assembly Constituency Reports

* No hyperlink under/near name is indicative of no constituency report being submitted or found.


Abigail Werner

Alex Bumgarner

Alexis McKenzie (1) (2)

Ariana Pitcher

Ashley Wilson

Ben Duwve (1) (2) (3)

Cade Santha (1) (2)

Caleb Hineman (1) (2)

Cameron Stewart

Cierra Carafice (1) (2) (3)

Cole Wasson

Eesha Wirk

Elena Akers (1) (2) (3)

Elizabeth Painter

Emma Lykins

Eyako Heh (1) (2)

Hannah Marchand (1) (2) (3)

Isaac Bensignor (1) (2)

Isabel Parker (1) (2)

Jacob Spiegel

Jinnie Lee (1) (2)

Joe Malinger

Josh Goetz (1) (2) (3)

Kinza Sami

Lauren Simpson (1) (2) (3)

Madeline Fogarty (1) (2)

Maria Humayan

Nate Smith

Nolan Hanna (1) (2) 

Peyton Batiato

Rhea Pai

Rhea Rao (1) (2)

Sarah Dowling (1) (2)

Sarah Olszewski (1) (2)

Savannah Sockwell

Turner Dilley (1) (2) (3)

Vinnie Pancini

WIll Baugart

Will Sullivan


50th General Assembly Constituency Reports

To ensure accountability and provide the utmost transparency, each member of the General Assembly shall submit three constituency reports to the Vice President throughout their terms, and can be viewed below. These reports aim to provide constituents with a description of what their senators have accomplished and are currently working on within their current term. If you are interested in finding more about the progress of your member’s policy projects, their contact information can be found in the 'Senators' tab. 

Note: If there is no hyperlink attached to your representative's name, it means they did not complete a report. If you would like to receive information regarding their work during this constituency report period, you are encouraged to email them and request this information.

2017-2018 Constituency Reports

Arts and Humanities



  • Vacant

Education and Human Ecology



Food, Agriculture, and Environmental Sciences

Medicinal Sciences

Natural and Mathematical Sciences



Public Affairs

Public Health

Social and Behavioral Sciences

Social Work

  • Michaela Murphy (filled vacancy 10/25/2017)


North Campus Living Area

Off Campus Living Area

South Campus Living Area

West Campus Living Area

Regional Campus

International Student Emissary