Undergraduate Student Government
at The Ohio State University

STEP Report

The Ohio State University sets the standard for investing in students, providing them with valuable resources and experiences to prepare them not only for future careers, but for life. While many higher education institutions offer programs to transition their freshman students, Ohio State has led the charge when it comes to second-year students by designing and sustaining the Second-Year Transformational Experience Program (STEP), a program that keep students engaged with faculty, with the campus, and with the world around them. This program forges connections between second-years and a wide range of university faculty, provides opportunities for learning outside of the classroom, and funds student endeavors that might not otherwise be possible. In fact, the program has been so successful that STEP administrators travel the country teaching other universities how they can adapt the model for their own students. Participation in STEP is a valuable opportunity for students, and the Undergraduate Student Government (USG) truly believes in the program’s potential. The objective of this report is to describe the current state of STEP, highlight research and survey results regarding student and faculty opinions, and outline recommendations for transitioning years to ensure that students gain as much as they possibly can from participation in the program.

STEP Report 2015-2016