Undergraduate Student Government
at The Ohio State University

Allocations Funding Instructions

The Allocations Application is closed.

*Our available funding for the Spring 2025 cycle has been fully depleted. We cannot accept more applications at this time.*

Applications submitted on time are currently being processed and evaluated.  Your organization should have received an email confirmation with information on when you should expect a response from Allocations. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to SL-USGAllocations@osu.edu

Any undergraduate student organization that is registered and active with Student Activities is eligible to receive funding from USG! To register your student organization or find out more about what constitutes a student organization, please visit the Student Activities website

Disclaimer: USG, similar to all student organizations, operates on a budget. Unfortunately, due to the high volume of student organizations seeking funding, not all requests will be granted. If your request is declined, please try again next semester.

Please note:

  • We cannot retroactively reimburse events that have already occurred before being approved for funding.
  • All funding is on a reimbursement basis. Your organization will be expected to pay for the event up front, and all amounts owed must be paid before receiving reimbursement (exception is made for Ohio Union invoices, which can be paid directly by our office).
  • There is a funding limit of $1,500 per semester per organization. USG will focus on reaching more student organizations with over 1,400+ registered. It is recommended that you partner with other student organizations as well as look at CSA funding. 

Before You Apply:

  1. Plan Ahead! Please apply at least 2 weeks or more in advance of your event. However, please do not apply more than 8 weeks in advance, as that makes it difficult for us to work into the USG budget cycle. 
  2. You must be a registered and active student organization in good standing with the University.
  3. You organization must have a bank account and Employer Identification Number (EIN) with the IRS to eligible for funding. 
  4. Read the Student Organization Funding Guidelines. If your application does not conform to these guidelines, you will not be considered for funding. If after approval you submit receipts for reimbursement for non-eligible items, those items will not be reimbursed.
  5. Organizations may not apply for funding for University Signature Events and events already in collaboration with USG. 
  6. Budget for your event.
    1. Create a detailed budget in Excel outlining all costs associated with the event or trip.
    2. If you are partnering with another student organization, you must determine and document who is purchasing what items/services as only one organization will be reimbursed for these expenses. 
    3. Be specific! A proper budget gives exact information and prices for each item.
    4. Include all fundraising efforts and any submitted/planned applications for CSA Programming Funds.
    5. For trips/conferences, please include the number of members and a breakdown of the cost for each person to attend. Explain why this travel is a necessity for your student organization and why you can't do this conference/experience locally.

Apply for Funding:

  1. Apply for funding online. Fill out all fields to ensure that your application is accepted by the system. You must attach a budget document in order for the committee to accept and consider the application. 

After Applying:

  1. You may receive an email from the Senior Director of Allocations inviting you to present to the Allocations Committee. If your event is more than 8 weeks out, you will not be offered an interview and will need to resubmit an application closer to your date (but not later than two weeks out). Do not send an email asking about your presentation time if you were not sent an email from the Senior Director of Allocations. 
  2. Attend your scheduled meeting time, if requested.
    1. You will receive an email from the Senior Director of Allocations confirming your exact presentation time with the Allocations Committee.
    2. All Allocations meetings are held on Sundays afternoons. Your exact presentation time will vary. 
    3. We recommend sending one to two representatives that are briefed on all the aspects of the event as well as someone who has an understanding of the student organization’s financials.
  3. Prepare these items for your presentation, which can take whatever form you desire, but should include:
    1. Powerpoint summarizing your event and need for funds (if necessary)
    2. Information including the benefit of the event for students and/or OSU as a whole. 
    3. A copy of your specific event/trip/conference budget.
    4. You must disclose whether you have applied for CSA Programming Funds and if you were approved. 

After the Allocations Committee Meets:

  1. You will receive an email within five business days of the committee meeting stating how much your student organization was awarded.
  2. Hold your event.
    1. Remember to keep all receipts from your purchases in order to make it easier to submit your reimbursement forms! Proof for reimbursements is required, there are no exceptions. 
  3. Submit your paperwork through the form sent to you within 21 days of your event.
    1. You have up to 21 calendar days after your event to submit all required documentation. You must fill out everything completely and to the best of your ability. Forms needed include the audit form, contract, vendor set-up form and itemized receipts that show proof of payment.
    2. Please note that after the submission of the proper paperwork, it can take up to 10 weeks to process before your student organization will receive a check. If you are asked to supply additional information you must do so within the stated timeline in the email or you will forfeit your reimbursement. 
    3. If your organization’s check is not picked up within 90 days of notification, the check will be voided and your organization’s right to reimbursement may be revoked. This can also effect your eligibility in the future.

Requestors should complete audit forms using the following tips for success:

  • Audited items may deviate from the original budget as submitted on the request form, as long as expenses submitted are still fundable
  • Use original, itemized, legible receipts that show proof of payment
  • Provide written checks and/or bank statements along with any invoices, pick-up slips, delivery orders, etc. that do not show proof of payment
  • Provide accurate, specific information on the vendors, amounts, and description of expenses
  • Do not subtotal any expense categories - list all receipts individually
  • For direct payment to Ohio State University vendors, write 'please pay directly' on invoices being submitted
  • For reimbursement to other Ohio State University departments, write 'please pay department' and someone from the Student Government Office will contact you to get more information
  • Do not highlight expenses on thermal register receipts

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to email Senior Director of Allocations Hanniel Diaz Elizarraga at  SL-USGAllocations@osu.edu.