Undergraduate Student Government
at The Ohio State University

Previous Senators

56th General Assembly Senators

Speaker of the General Assembly: Sarah Schmidt (Schmidt.1318@osu.edu)

Parliamentarian: Keyanah Peters (Peters.1013@osu.edu)

Secretary: Mykenna Roy (Roy.457@osu.edu)

Academic Constituencies

College of Arts and Sciences – Arts and Humanities – 2 seats

Aidan Ellis.1070 (he/him)

     Committee Assignments: Governmental Relations

- Vacant -


College of Arts and Sciences – Natural and Mathematical Sciences – 3 seats

Dahlia Moskowitz.104 (she/her)

     Committee Assignments: Oversight; Health and Safety; Steering

Deondray Radford.47 (he/him)

     Committee Assignments: Allocations; Black Caucus; Justice and Equity

Daniel Tcheurekdjian.1 (he/him)

     Committee Assignments: Governmental Relations

College of Arts and Sciences – Social and Behavioral Sciences – 4 seats

Rayvon Braziel.5 (he/him)

     Committee Assignments: Black Caucus (Chair); Steering; Allocations; Oversight

Nevaeh Hawthorne.106 (she/her)

     Committee Assignments: Oversight; Academic Affairs; Student Affairs; Governmental Relations; Black Caucus

Keyanah Peters.1013 (they/she)

     Committee Assignments: Oversight (Chair); Steering; Governmental Relations; Sustainability

Hannah Leedy.62 (she/her)

     Committee Assignments: Health and Safety


College of Business – 3 seats

Mehak Sankhla.5 (she/her)

     Committee Assignments: 

Hanniel Diaz Elizarraga.1 (he/him)

     Committee Assignments: Student Affairs; Academic Affairs

Madelyn Davis.6755 (she/her)

     Committee Assignments: Health and Safety


College of Dentistry – 1 seat

- Vacant -

College of Education and Human Ecology – 2 seats

Kira Deerman.2 (she/her)

     Committee Assignments: Student Affairs

Kwanisha Broomfield.28 (she/her)

     Committee Assignments: Black Caucus 


College of Engineering – 4 seats 

Ortez Littlejohn.80 (he/him)

     Committee Assignments: Student Affairs

Sunny Saini.102 (he/him)

     Committee Assignments: Academic Affairs

- Vacant -

- Vacant -


College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences – 1 seat 

- Vacant -


College of Medicine Sciences – 1 seat

Hayden Price.1695 (he/him)

     Committee Assignments: Academic Affairs (Chair)


College of Nursing – 1 seat

Katie Strayer.133 (she/her)

     Committee Assignments: Health and Safety


College of Pharmacy – 1 seat

Julia LaFrankie.5 (she/her)

     Committee Assignments: Health and Safety


College of Public Affairs – 1 seat

Kalyn Mullens.26 (she/her)

     Committee Assignments: Black Caucus; Justice and Equity

College of Public Health – 1 seat

- Vacant -


College of Social Work – 1 seat

Isaiah Baughman.323 (he/him)

     Committee Assignments: Sustainability (Chair); Steering


Exploration – 1 seat 

- Vacant -

Living Area Constituencies

Commuter Living Area – 2 seats

- Vacant -

- Vacant -

Off-Campus Living Area – 5 seats

Lily Evans.2758 (she/her)

     Committee Assignments: Governmental Relations (Chair); Steering; Sustainability

Sami Ginsberg.44 (she/her)

     Committee Assignments: Allocations; Justice and Equity

Spencer Colish-Patrick.1 (she/her)

     Committee Assignments: Academic Affairs

Aniket Vaishampayan.4 (he/him)

     Committee Assignments: Student Affairs; Academic Affairs

Brody Koch.565

     Committee Assignments: Student Affairs


On-Campus Living Area - 7 seats

Mykenna Roy.457 (she/her)

     Committee Assignments: Academic Affairs; Steering; Health and Safety

Sarah Schmidt.1318 (she/her)

     Committee Assignments: Steering; Governmental Relations

Josh Hickman.367 (he/him)

     Committee Assignments: Student Affairs (Chair)

Declan Alford.117 (he/him)

     Committee Assignments: Justice and Equity

George Bernard.306 (he/him)

     Committee Assignments: Governmental Relations

Shyla Mudundi.1 (she/her)

     Committee Assignments: Health and Safety (Chair)

- Vacant -

Regional Campus Living Area – 1 seat

- Vacant -

Emissary Seats

Native/Indigenous Emissary – 1 seat

- Vacant - 

Black/African/African American Emissary – 1 seat

Mekateko Mathebula.1 (she/her)

     Committee Assignments: Black Caucus

Disability Emissary – 1 seat

Echo Joyce.269 (they/he)

     Committee Assignments: Oversight; Academic Affairs; Justice and Equity

53rd General Assembly (2020-2021) Officers

Speaker of the Senate: Nathan Rush.294 (he/him/his)

Parliamentarian: Daniel Levine.1789 (he/him/his) 

Secretary: Grace Maynard.294 (she/her/hers)


53rd General Assembly (2020-2021) Academic Constituencies

College of Arts and Sciences – Arts and Humanities – 2 seats

Sage Klein (he/him) Klein.690@osu.edu Klein 1


College of Arts and Sciences – Natural and Mathematical Sciences – 3 seats

Delaney Durham (she/her) Durham.159@osu.edu Durham 1

Daniel Levine (he/him) Levine.1789@osu.edu Levine 1

Olivia Schaffer (she/her) Schaffer.182@osu.edu Schaffer 1


College of Arts and Sciences – Social and Behavioral Sciences – 4 seats

Gregory Carson (he/him) Carson.361@osu.edu Carson 1

Daykota Hayes (she/her) Hayes.1083@osu.edu Hayes 1

Kelsey Lowman (she/her) Lowman.28@osu.edu (Not Yet Available)

Amani Samuels (she/her) Samuels.114@osu.edu (Not Yet Available)


College of Business – 3 seats

Reed Flynt (he/him) Flynt.5@osu.edu (Not Yet Available)

Hattie Fu (she/her) Fu.869@osu.edu (Not Yet Available)

Nathan Rush (he/him) Rush.294@osu.edu Rush 1


College of Dentistry – 1 seat

Keith Watson (he/him) Watson.1021@osu.edu (Not Yet Available)


College of Education and Human Ecology – 2 seats


College of Engineering – 4 seat

Sai Nune (she/her) Nune.1@osu.edu Nune 1

Rebekah Spence (she/her) Spence.222@osu.edu Spence 1

Noah Stonehill (he/him) Stonehill.11@osu.edu Stonehill 1


College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences – 1 seat

Kira Jones (she/her) Jones.6568@osu.edu Jones 1


College of Medicine Sciences – 1 seat

Abigail Berk (she/her) berk.70@osu.edu Berk 1


College of Nursing – 1 seat

Yang Du (she/her) Du.601@osu.edu (Not Yet Available)


College of Pharmacy – 1 seat


College of Public Affairs – 1 seat

Lauren Sutherland (she/her) Sutherland.174@osu.edu Sutherland 1


College of Public Health – 1 seat

Hebah Guade (she/her) Guade.1@osu.edu (Not Yet Available)


College of Social Work – 1 seat

Lulu Montes (she/her) Montes.42@osu.edu (Not Yet Available)


Exploration – 1 seat

Anna Valerius (she/her) Valerius.9@osu.edu (Not Yet Available)


53rd General Assembly (2020-2021) Living Area Constituencies

Commuter Living Area – 2 seats

Bahja Ali (she/her) Ali.589@osu.edu (Not Yet Available)

Adrienne Ferguson (she/her) Ferguson.945@osu.edu (Not Yet Available)


Off-Campus Living Area – 5 seats

Mustafa Abubakr (he/him) Abubakr.2@osu.edu Abubakr 1

Andrew Buehrer (he/him) Buehrer.27@osu.edu (Not Yet Available)

Roman Lee (he/him) Lee.8208@osu.edu (Not Yet Available)

Brandon Morris (he/him) Morris.1630@osu.edu Morris 1

Halle Nahoum (she/her) Nahoum.1@osu.edu Nahoum 1


On-Campus Living Area - 7 seats

Arnaud Dahourou (he/him) Dahourou.1@osu.edu Dahourou 1

Teresa Lebowitz (she/her) Lebowitz.28@osu.edu Lebowitz 1

Grace Maynard (she/her) Maynard.294@osu.edu (Not Yet Available)

Gabriel Myers (he/him) Myers.2039@osu.edu Myers 1

Andrew Pierce (he/him) Pierce.668@osu.edu Pierce 1

Roya Shahinfar (she/her) Shahinfar.4@osu.edu Shahinfar 1

Anshul Singh (he/him) Singh.1346@osu.edu Singh 1


Regional Campus Living Area – 1 seat


52nd General Assembly (2019-2020) Officers

Speaker of the General Assembly: Cade Santha (he/him/his) santha.1@osu.edu

Parliamentarian: Caleb Hineman (he/him/his) hineman.7@osu.edu

Secretary: Durya Nadeem (she/her/hers) nadeem.22@osu.edu


52nd General Assembly  (2019-2020) Academic Constituencies

College of Arts and Sciences – Arts and Humanities – 2 seats

Emily Needham (she/her/hers) needham.76@osu.edu

Emma Nidy (she/her/hers) nidy.1@osu.edu


College of Arts and Sciences – Natural and Mathematical Sciences – 3 seats

David Mack mack.411@osu.edu

Dennis Pales (he/him/his) pales.4@osu.edu

Troy Tofil (he/him/his) tofil.8@osu.edu


College of Arts and Sciences – Social and Behavioral Sciences – 4 seats

Brandon Bishop (he/him/his) bishop.677@osu.edu

Claire Krafka (she/her/hers) krafka.5@osu.edu

Elizabeth Painter (she/her/hers) painter.134@osu.edu

Sana Soufi (she/her/hers) soufi.2@osu.edu


College of Business – 3 seats

Nathan Rush (he/him/his) rush.294@osu.edu

Cade Santha (he/him/his) santha.1@osu.edu

Ruyi Wang (she/her/hers) wang.8780@osu.edu


College of Dentistry – 1 seat

Hameed Jamal (he/him/his) jamal.22@osu.edu


College of Education and Human Ecology – 2 seats

Joshua Pugh (he/him/his) pugh.229@osu.edu

Alea Doronsky (she/her/hers) doronsky.1@osu.edu


College of Engineering – 4 seats

Josh Goetz (he/him/his) goetz.121@osu.edu

Alek Kundla kundla.9@osu.edu

Jannan Sivaruban (he/him/his) sivaruban.1@osu.edu

Rylee Heiing (she/her/hers) heiing.6@osu.edu


College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences – 1 seat


College of Medicine Sciences – 1 seat

Abigail Berk (she/her/hers) berk.70@osu.edu


College of Nursing – 1 seat

Aaron McKee (he/him/his) mckee.616@osu.edu


College of Pharmacy – 1 seat

Durya Nadeem (she/her/hers) nadeem.22@osu.edu


College of Public Affairs – 1 seat

Sophie Ruttenberg (she/her/hers) rutternberg.7@osu.edu


College of Public Health – 1 seat

Uma Mylavarapu (she/her/hers) mylavarapu.5@osu.edu


College of Social Work – 1 seat

Nuurah Parsons (she/her/hers) parsons.430@osu.edu


Exploration – 1 seat

Maddie Carson (she/her/hers) carson.363@osu.edu


Living Area Constituencies


Commuter Living Area – 2 seats

Faduma Hasan (she/her/hers) hasan.132@osu.edu

Sara Mohamednour (she/her/hers) mohamednour.1@osu.edu


Off-Campus Living Area – 5 seats

Elyssa Bellofatto (she/her/hers) bellofatto.3@osu.edu


Michael Kohler (he/him/his) kohler.186@osu.edu

Isabel Palmer (she/her/hers) palmer.791@osu.edu

Lexi Kisor (she/her/hers) kisor.27@osu.edu


On-Campus Living Area - 7 seats

Ose Arheghan (they/them/theirs) arheghan.1@osu.edu

Caleb Hineman (he/him/his) hineman.7@osu.edu

Andrew Klemm (he/him/his) klemm.21@osu.edu

Amanya Paige (she/her/hers) paige.73@osu.edu

Andrew Pierce (he/him/his) pierce.668@osu.edu

Elyse Schemenauer (she/her/hers) schemenauer.4@osu.edu

Seth Williamson (he/him/his) williamson.635@osu.edu


Regional Campus Living Area – 1 seat

Roman Lee (he/him/his) lee.8208@osu.edu